Paladin Chess Set

Just finished up this amazing Paladin chess set by Puppetswar Miniatures.

The whole thing except for the sub structure of the board was printed on my Saturn 4 Ultra in SunLu ABS-Like resin over the course of 4 days.

Absolutely blown away by my S4U, this set consists of over 164 resin printed pieces and I did not have a single failure when printing it. Close to 2KG of black resin and a bit over 1KG of white resin.

The sub structure is printed in PLA from my P1S and took over 1KG of filament.

I’m not saying the S4U is the BambuLabs of resin printing but it’s pretty close to being unbox, load with resin hit print and be on your way.

submitted by /u/mattfl
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