Researchers have made a logic gate that does not use semiconductors. Jorge Cañada & Luis Fernando Velásquez-García have used a PCL doped copper gate instead of semiconducting materials. This could replace semiconductors in austere areas, let people in developing companies make more electronics or perhaps lead to low environmentally impact recyclable electronics. The single step process simplifies the creation of the gates and uses significantly less harmful chemicals and complex steps using complex machines.

MobiPrint is a Prusa mounted on a robot vacuum. Created by Daniel Campos Zamora and Liang He, the mobile printer uses LiDAR to scan a room and then prints things on the floor inside of it. This kind of a printer could by itself restore or add safety features somewhere or point to a new way of thinking about autonomous printing.

Staff Sargeant Nicholas Bevan and Sergeant Landon Boroday, got the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for 3D printing tools for F-35B Lightning II maintenance. Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 13 did not have enough reamers, tools used to check for a remove corrosion. The tools are usually made of Torlon and cost  $30. They were in short supply and they used a Markforged X7 to make chopped fiber alternatives. These were not only cheaper and quicker to get but also extended the part lifespan by up to 300% and reduce maintenance costs by half. This is an incredible result and means we can 3D print medals now too.