Printing My Injured Foot: A Journey from CT Scan to 3D Model

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share a project that I recently completed: creating a 3D print of my injured foot using CT scan data. It was quite a journey, and I hit a few roadblocks along the way, so I thought I’d document my experience for anyone looking to do something similar.


I was on vacation with my wife and my beautiful blue picardi spaniel Elsa.

While I was running along with the dog at full speed, she suddenly went into my way causing me to lose balance and land my left foot on the toes causing them to be overflexed upwards and also many injuries in the whole foot area but luckily not ankle (I could still drive).

When we returned from vacaton I decided to go for an Xray just to make sure I have not broken any bone, when the xray came up and the orthopedic saw it, he had the look of "oh boy", along with the bruises on my foot on specific locations he suspected a Lisfranc Injury, it is an injury where the lisfranc ligament is torn and surgery is 100% required, and note that I can't even stand the idea of injections let alone a surgery.

He immediately prescribed anticoagulant injections in fear of blood clots because of the swelling and bruising, and ordered MRI and CT scan because Lisfranc injury is easy to miss with an xray.

I got the results, luckily no Lisfranc but broken 2nd 3rd and 4th metatarsal bones, boot for 6 weeks, now I am on 5th week with 30% weight bearing on crutches and waiting for the final recovery.


So lets begin the guide

Step 1: Injuring a part of your body in order to have a CT scan

Step 1: Acquiring and Preparing the CT Data

I started by following this guide on converting CT scan data into a 3D printable model. The guide helped me convert the DICOM data into .nrrd files using the software 3D Slicer. This step was fairly straightforward, and I highly recommend using 3D Slicer for medical imaging conversions.

Step 2: Converting .nrrd to .stl

The main challenge came when I tried to convert the .nrrd files into .stl format. The guide suggested using software tools, but they were not available any more or maybe I could not make it work. So, I wrote my own Python script to handle the conversion!

Python Script Details:

The script I created uses libraries like SimpleITK and vtk to manipulate the CT scan data, extract the surfaces, and generate a clean mesh suitable for 3D printing. The key improvements I made over the initial approach include:

  • Morphological closing: This helped to smooth out the surfaces while preserving the key features of the scan.
  • Decimation and Cleanup: I used vtkDecimatePro and vtkCleanPolyData to reduce the number of triangles while maintaining the model’s integrity.
  • Hole Filling and Connectivity Filtering: Ensured the final model was watertight and connected, which is critical for printing.

You have to mess a little with Threshold and Decimator Values.

Here’s the script I wrote along with an exetuble ready to run, choose what you trust better:

Step 3: Mesh Refinement Using Meshmixer

After running the script, I ended up with an .stl file that still had a few imperfections. I imported it into Meshmixer, where I used the different tools for manual cleanup and smoothing, the model was finally ready for printing.

Final Thoughts

The printed model turned out great! It was incredibly satisfying to hold a physical representation of my foot (albeit an injured one!). I think projects like these really showcase the potential of 3D printing in healthcare—whether it’s for educational purposes, pre-surgical planning, or just a cool personal project.

If anyone’s looking to create similar models, feel free to reach out, or check out the script I used. I’m happy to answer any questions or provide additional tips!


P.S.: Here are some images of the model and the final print (you can see an obvious fracture on the bottom side of the foot). And also Elsa the guilty one for my injury

Obvious Fracture

Elsa Crazy Mode

Elsa Calm Mode

submitted by /u/R3iZoR
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