3D printing and designing has the potential to save lives

I am completely blind. Disability is generally quite unsexy, at least according to employers, opinion-makers, and other stakeholders. I'm trying to make disability a bit sexier, more accessible, and above all, less intimidating.

That's why I personally designed this fire safety sign in 3D. You're welcome.

In Denmark, it's legally required for all hotels and public places to have an overview of what to do in case of fire or similar emergencies. But oddly enough, it's not legally required to make these accessible for the visually impaired or people with disabilities in general. I'm trying to change that. If a completely blind man can design in 3D, then surely those who work with it daily can too!

Share this so we can make disability just a little bit sexier!

Have a great weekend!




submitted by /u/Mrblindguardian
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