Rate my nightmare.

Lol, I have no friends. It was a TwoTrees Sapphire Plus, only took 4 years to make it work right. Not amazing, just.. good enough.

The design of the sp-5 is so awefull I feel like I could design my own coreXY at this point and call it the 'Moron 2.4' for how much time I wasted instead of just setting it on fire and buying something else.

latest fix was the pi USB power supply didn't do 'power supplying' well. Sooo fuckit – how about 5v 10 amp with powered USB hub a power rail? And then.. I learned how real voltage drop was. So parallel feeds and a foot less wire? Fixed! (Sheya right…) Guess I didn't really need the new supply.. oh well.

  • all my own wiring, soldering, umbilicals, and fire hazards

  • I have a literal blueprint of my wiring just to not screw over "Future Me"

  • I would do canbus, but I started doing cat5 umbilicals before canbus became cool and now I'm too far down this rabbit hole to dig out.

  • many power cords sacrificed their lives

  • 3d printed parts I designed, even the controller/pi 3B case. They look like ass because I got better at designing over the years – but I'm waiting for them to melt before I search the abyss for the old cad files.

  • I swear to God I don't know why I spent so much time on this damn thing.

  • I've come to terms that the MCU will ALWAYS be a rats nest. Just… Fuckit whatever. Not even gonna try.

So. How soon until my house burns down? Does anyone else do this or feel like me? Tldr; be my support group so I know I'm not alone.

submitted by /u/oh2four
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