Dryer still at 32% after 10 hours

I have a Sovol SH1 dual spool dryer. Seemed to work fine for a few months but now wondering if it's started to croak. I'm in Canada (basically think Maine weather) and my printing room is at 46% humidity.

I ran the dryer with 2 spools for 6 hours last night, but still said 45% this morning. Put it on again, been running for 4.5 hours now, and it's at 32% now.

What changed on 2nd run is after 2 hours of it barely moving, I put 4 dessicant packs in and lifted the cover a crack based on multiple recommendations. So those tips seem to have both made an impact. Also the cover had condensation up to that point.

But at 10 hrs total now, and a low starting humidity, I feel it should still be way lower based on others saying they're getting down to 10/15/20 and being in way higher humidity areas.

What yall think? Is this thing underperforming all of a sudden?

submitted by /u/JeepKing39
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