An army of fidgets for my kid's school

My kid's school does a "prize bin" sort of thing where the kids can earn points buy doing normal school stuff (being on time, being prepared for class, etc) and once a month they can use their points to purchase prizes from the "store." I've seen a bunch of posts looking for suggestions for similar things, or for trick-or-treat giveaways, and wanted to share what I ended up printing.

I looked for models which take under an hour to print, fairly forgiving, and ideally would look good using the random leftover bits of filament I had lying around.

Gyro Fidget Spinner – the specific model I used is no longer published, but I've linked to one that's extremely similar.

Articulated Shark – scaled down to 75% (note: the jaw won't open if you do this)

Benchy – I didn't print these specifically for this, but I had some lying around and my kid insisted that someone might like them

Octopus Pencil Topper – these guys are great, but about 1/4 of the ones I printed lost a limb when I took them off the build plate

Keychain Hexagon Fidget

Toggle Fidget – these are super fast (under 20 minutes) and great for using up leftover bits. I had a roll that shattered into ~2 foot long segments. I queued up a plate of these to print "by object" and just hand fed it bits of filament until the bits were used up.

Textured Cube Fidget – These break the rule, they take closer to two hours, but they're so satisfying that I printed up a couple anyway

Spiral Fidget – The movement on these was a little stiffer than I'd like, but they loosened up with some fiddling.

If anyone else has suggestions for models that are quick to print and a big hit with kids please let me know! The selection on MakerWorld / Thingiverse / Printables is kind of overwhelming.

submitted by /u/balderstash
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