Donations to the local hospital

When you accumilate your calibration pieces, fun little 'last meters of silk pla' and other reasons your favorite printpiece accumilates, the local pediatric or Intensive care units that have children as patients usually give them little trinkets or gifts durring their stay. They don't usually have a budget for this, but donations are usually very welcome.

Most kids love these fun little pieces, but please don't donate small pieces that can get eaten and stuff. But small foxes, benchies and stuff is always a good hitter. You can get rid of some 'waste' while also contributing to brighten sick or ill children and brighten their day, wards that could use your help is ambulance stations, ICU, pediatric wards. A small call to your local hospital and ask if you can donate some pieces can brighten a day up for many children. Thanks for reading, and happy printing 👍

submitted by /u/Snixxis
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