My love hate with PEI build plates

I have a pretty big love hate relationship with these build plates, I love how easy the prints are to remove after it’s cooled but lately I’ve had so much trouble getting long prints to stick. I clean the plate with alcohol before every print and bet temp at 70c sticks nicely, the stock print surface I use 60c and works well. I think the power flickered last night 2 of my computers powered off.. but I don’t have auto resume turned on so idk why it would have started up after again…

This was an 8 hour print I let go over night, I check on it to make sure the first layers looked good and adhering well, and everything looked good… so idk 🤷🏻‍♂️

Any recommendations to make my life a bit better with this?

submitted by /u/Blue88Comanche
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