Despite the widespread use of contact lenses, nearly 20% of wearers give up on them every year due to discomfort or fit issues and high costs. With more than 150 million contact lens users worldwide, many people are switching back to glasses because their eyes simply don’t fit the standard molds used for traditional mass-produced lenses. This is exactly the problem that Lensy Medical wants to solve, especially in a market projected to reach over $14 billion by 2026.

Closeup of a 3D printed contact lens. Image courtesy of Lensy Medical

Founded in 2021 in Rehovot, Israel, Lensy Medical is developing a 3D printing solution that could forever change the contact lens industry. Instead of waiting weeks for a pair of lenses, Lensy’s proprietary 3D printing technology will allow optometrists to create personalized lenses in minutes right inside their clinics. This tailored approach is set to offer an affordable and comfortable solution for the millions of people who struggle with traditional contact lenses. Though the company’s product is still in development, these 3D printed lenses are expected to hit the market within the next four years.

CEO and founder Edan Kenig wants to create an alternative to traditional “one-size-fits-all” contacts, promising to disrupt the industry and make contact lenses more accessible. This focus on customization is not new in the world of 3D printing; it’s one of the core reasons why the technology has become so well-known and valued across different verticals. From hearing aids to eyewear, 3D printing has shown it can create custom products that fit individual needs instead of using standard, mass-produced designs.

At the heart of Lensy’s innovation is a modular 3D printer that uses Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology. DLP allows for precise, layer-by-layer printing using light to cure a resin. This method significantly reduces material usage, making the production more efficient. Kenig’s modular prototype is designed for contact lens manufacturing and aims to make production scalable and customizable. This modular approach means the printer can be easily adapted or updated, boosting flexibility for optometrists and making Lensy’s technology even more practical for real-world use.

Edan Kenig, CEO of Lensy Medical. Image courtesy of Lensy Medical

Unlike traditional contact lenses, which are mass-produced using molds that often result in discomfort for around 30% of wearers, Lensy’s custom-fit lenses are designed to fit the unique shape of each eye. Usually, eye care professionals have to measure the eye to find a proper fit, but even then, some people struggle with putting in the lenses or keeping them from falling out. Instead, Lensy claims its personalized approach solves this problem by creating lenses that match the exact shape of the eye, making them more comfortable and easier to wear.

Lensy’s custom-fit lenses promise better comfort and are affordable since they can be reused. The company is also looking into making disposable options for the future. Beyond correcting vision, Lensy is exploring lenses for myopia control, which can help slow down the worsening of nearsightedness, especially in kids. They’re also working on drug-eluting lenses, slowly releasing medication to treat eye conditions, making it easier and less painful than eye drops or injections.

Lensy Medical’s lab with prototype 3D printing equipment for custom contact lenses. Image courtesy of Lensy Medical

As Lensy moves forward, it has the potential to be a game-changer in the contact lens industry, but it does face competition. MediPrint Ophthalmics, specializing in 3D printed drug-eluting lenses, is one of the key players in the 3D printed lens field. This focus on medical applications could overlap with some of Lensy’s plans.

A few other companies are also working on 3D printed contact lenses. For example, Mojo Vision is developing smart lenses that can display digital information using tiny microLEDs. While their focus is more on augmented reality than vision correction, they could become a competitor if they move into regular contact lenses in the future.

Additionally, there’s ongoing research from companies and institutions developing lenses that integrate diagnostics and medical treatments. While still in the early stages, these innovations represent potential future competitors.

However, Lensy’s unique approach of directly integrating its proprietary 3D printers into eye clinics promises optometrists the chance to produce lenses on-site. This direct-to-provider model could set Lensy apart in a market where other companies focus more on large-scale manufacturing and smart eyewear.