Vallourec‘s Head of Additive Manufacturing Olivier Tartar disclosed on LinkedIn that the company has produced a downhole component via wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM). The French tube manufacturer boasts $3.4 billion in revenue, employs 17,000 staff and leads the seamless steel tube market across automotive, energy, and other sectors. Notably, ArcelorMittal holds a 28.4% stake in Vallourec. ArcelorMittal has recently partnered with Materialise and begun selling powder, with its efforts seemingly focused on powder bed applications, while Vallourec is working with WAAM.
WAAM was initially loved but later became unloved. However, several companies have continued to use the technology to produce commercially viable parts, particularly for the energy industry. For instance, Lincoln Electric is manufacturing massive pressure vessels and components for exploration and distribution, with some parts weighing as much as 4,000 kilos. WAAM is known for being fast and cost-effective, but many abandoned it due to the extensive post-processing and lack of control. Vallourec, however, remains committed to the technology.
Vallourec has refined WAAM technology and created cell-like production areas that integrate robot arms with WAAM and ultrasonic inspection. These units can produce parts up to 2 cubic meters in size, with components potentially reaching 2 meters in height and 1 meter in diameter. While the company primarily works with carbon steel, it is also developing parts using corrosion-resistant materials. What’s particularly impressive about WAAM in the oil and gas sector is the rapid transition from concept to implementation. Vallourec, for instance, has only been working with WAAM since 2020 but already produces numerous parts for major oil companies.
In one example, Vallourec produced a lifting plug, a safety-critical component used on oil platforms, which needed to withstand a 100-ton load. The forged alternative was too expensive and had long lead times, but Vallourec made the WAAM component in a third of the time and at a lower cost. The plug is currently in use off the coast of Australia in the Timor Sea. Financially, 3D printing for the oil and gas sector works surprisingly well. The economics are favorable for a wide range of components due to the pressure on contractors to deliver on time. Downtime is extremely costly in the oil and gas industry, which helps offset the typical cost concerns associated with 3D printing.

The company has now tested a WAAM downhole component to the API 5C5:2017 CAL-IV standard. This is an American Petroleum Institute standard for testing casing and tubing connections in the petroleum and natural gas industries. It’s a rigorous and demanding standard, as it evaluates the performance of tube connections under load, particularly in high-pressure or high-temperature wells. Given the significant consequences of tube failure in oil and gas exploration and processing, these tests are critical. They assess whether connections are fit for purpose, going beyond simple tensile testing to include evaluations of torsion, internal and external pressure, compression, temperature gradients, strain, cyclic loading, and more.

The company tested a “9 5/8” 53.5 ppf VAM 21 x 7” 32 ppf 125 ksi VAM 21 WAAM-printed cross-over.” While the specifics may sound complex, it essentially refers to a type of tube. The company tested this 3D-printed tube at 95% of its Actual Yield Strength, which for such tubes could range from 80 to 140 ksi. The tube was subjected to combined tension and compression (~500 tons), with both internal pressure (~1000 bars or 15,000 psi) and external pressure (~600 bars or 8,500 psi). These rigorous tests were conducted at both ambient temperature and elevated temperatures.

Tartar said, “Vallourec’s WAAM cross-over passed these critical tests with success.  This demonstrates that WAAM compares with conventional materials from Casting, Rolling, Forging and will gradually be an alternative for engineers all over the world!¨

We’re in the era of the clipboard, where we conquer markets carefully. We can no longer rely on gumption and bluster alone—now it’s checklists and tests that will advance us. By demonstrating that 3D-printed components can endure real-world conditions, we help derisk our customers. Further QA work, qualification, and certification will make them even more confident. Yes, it will be tedious, time-consuming, and expensive, but for many of us, we can take comfort in the fact that the tests we face are likely to be less costly and stringent than API 5C5:2017 CAL-IV.